Mid-western Region Anti-Corruption Coalition Mid-western Region Anti-Corruption Coalition
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Gender Equality and Rights (gear) Project

The project focused on civic education, engagement, and sensitization against gender-based violence and domestic violence.

It reached over 12,000 people in Hoima and Kikuube Districts.

We monitored 23 schools and 16 health centers, leading to improvements in staffing, supplies, attendance, and infrastructure.

Model men were trained to sensitize communities against domestic and gender-based violence.

Contract Monitoring and Transparency

CMS is a platform for monitoring government projects, enabling citizens to report project issues for advocacy.

We trained 23 monitors to report through the CMS.

We monitored and reported on 126 projects across Hoima, Kikuube, and neighboring districts.

  • 96 reports were submitted, with many issues resolved.

  • Contractors were compelled to redo 3 projects due to poor quality work.

We held 8 district dialogues, improving communication and resolving contracting and procurement issues.